Good times all around. I guess I never knew the D could be so freaking cool.
My friend John and I decided we would do something this summer and then we thought of McNiggles and it was all up/downhill from there. Something about the word McNiggles that just cries out to the soul and yeah.
So I packed my bags and went to my friend Kimberly's grad party in Appleton Saturday. I was really excited to see her and it ended up being a great time. I made a video for her because I thought that would be cool to do as a gift. It was a music video and it kind of jingles and rings a melody and stuff. It was fun. I also got to see Petey who was sleeping on the couch at his home and wasn't expecting my friendly face just inches away waking him up.
So I left Sunday and headed onward to Detroit, just me and the road and mustard chips and some good artistic music playing. You just got to love road trips, yeah they're fun, but when you take them and there's extended amounts of time where its just you, alone, it can be quite interesting. I end up striking great conversations with myself on subjects such as super heroism and quenching world hunger/thirst. Anyway, I underestimated how long it would take and ended up getting there quite late...missing the surprise party John had going. I just knew there was something up his sleeve. I felt really bad, there's nothing like missing your own party. But it was great to see him again, and i was wearing genuine chest hair just for kicks.

It was a good time seeing the sights and the funny ghetto store names and Arabic neighborhoods and really really good food. His parents, especially his dad crack me up with his strong arabic accent and constant comedy. got to see Alicia Williams as well because she was in the area doing an internship with the po po. The downtown was amazing, I mean I really felt like i was in the 313, I was a thug! We really liked the people mover and decided not to get off it because it was so cool. We got begged on by four toothless wanderers but and I had to part with my bag of kissibles so that this man could have a good meal, but it went to a good cause and I'm glad. It's always good to give things to people and brighten up their day.
There are so many things I could say for brother Johnathan--but I should change the name to 'Bill Stanley' so that I keep his name confidential. But Bill is such a good friend, and if there's one thing that speaks louder than anything, it's willingness to be a serve people. He's just one of those friends that's always there, we share a common interest in a lot of stuff and he completely fixed my computer even though it was a lot of work, he's like 'no prob.' But honestly I love this guy! I'm really glad he's gonna be my suite mate this fall because that'll be hilarious good times.
So I'm really glad to have had the opportunity to be in Detroit, it was worth the drive and I didn't want to leave but I did. Driving through the night had it's ups and downs. It was fine on the straight-shot to Chicago but once i was through that I got kinda tired so I pulled into a vacant gas station in the hood and slept for a bit. Minutes later I heard a kick on my car and this ethnic gas station owner was telling me to scram so I did and I ended up getting home, I just needed some coffee.
Now it's time to get back to work at the Piggly Wiggly warehouse and do the work God's called me to do for the time being.
Thanks for keeping "Bill's" name confidential..
Dude, McNiggles school year here we come!!!
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