So John Doe rocks! let me just say that for starters.
I got together with this kid named Jon Back who I went to high school with and because he's such a character (more interesting than what the usual person would expect when you say "character"), but yeah, this guy is a trip. I asked him if I could make a mini-series about him that we could call "The Adventures of John Doe" and post on youtube and make millions of people obligate themselves to delve into the crafty dramatic sequences of his life--being lived out of a dugout for a home and who never leaves the baseball diamond. He encounters certain people who try to interfere with his normal living but he dauntlessly puts them in their place without so much as a grunt and a "ehhh" noise.
We sat down and I typed out this script on my lap top while asking him what he'd say in these specific situations. He fed me lines that he'd say and I madly recorded them all and we ended up with three written episodes. Last week Tuesday we got out there to Field of Dreams and began haphazardly shooting from my church's Sony HD in a cinéma-vérité style which is gonna kill me to edit. I wish I could throw up a clip preview but I know they'll come soon--very soon!
We shot the last of it last night while doing a night shoot (which I had never done). I brought out a lighting kit with a blue gel and about a thousand feet of extension cords. This guy named Randy Hendrikse who is in his mid-sixties and who has a killer deep voice (I've used him to do voiceing for some other projects) came out and played the security officer who confronts John Doe on his living on city property. I was laughing so hard I could barely hold the camera. Oh well, now I've got to get to work on this thing. Kevin (the Bully) and I got together yesterday morning to write music and lay down a mucical soundtrack. We plugged in his guitar and a keyboard and went at it. should be fun once this thing's out! this is how I spend my time! Making mini-series like Marvin O'Connery and so on and so forth. I'll probably end up like one of those 5o-year old unshaven men who live by the river parks and wear Goodwill pants, smoke cigars, ride a rusty bike, and do community theaterfor a living--or at least I hope not.
Coming soon: The Adventures of John Doe
I can't wait to see this cinematic adventure! Are you taking film workshop this year? Either semester? I will probably be doing both... for no credit. HA!
oh my gosh dude this sounds incredible!!!!
i cant wait to watch it!
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