Sunday, March 29, 2009

Please render!

So this crunch time thing for AB videos is killer! I feel like i'm going to be chained to this thing for hours this week...I am, though, very pumped to say i've finished one! (Two altogether) but I just finished this one called EU Ghost Hunters--which depicts a paranormal investigation into Building 25 similar in style to the cheesy shows that are on covering that topic. Building 25 appropriately fits the description of creepy whether your in or out making a video at an ungodly hour within its dilapidated interior. Good times!

Today I got the opportunity to see my grandparents as they came to visit me here at campus! There was much fun to be had as we searched for a place to eat for lunch, beginning with Lamberts because my grandpa really wanted to go there while grandma wanted to go to Olive Garden. Due to the long wait, I suggested the Brew Co. for lunch and so we went there. The food was delicious and we had a good time! I took them around downtown and we waltzed into the Coffee Ethic to use the restroom and much to my surprise the atmosphere was high in spirit as a local 3-piece jazz band was unleashing their arousing sounds of music. The cool thing about that is my grandparents love jazz but mainly my grandpa, as do I, so we lingered for a while taking in the rich aroma.

At school, i gave them a slide show pres. on my life over the last few months and they thoroughly enjoyed it, as well as my bird cage which they both wanted pictures of themselves underneath. Hilarious! Plus John & Luke and everybody got to meet them, so that was cool. We ate carrot cake celebrating my birthday last month and they got me this awesome sweater which I'm wearing now. Grandma sewed up my PANTS TOO!!

As i wait for the final cut of my work to render into a final product of my video, I kinda wonder how my life is doing the same. I so often wish I could see the whole picture--what it'd be like to get over those humps. I earnestly want to know, because i know God I want to know too. Is it supposed to be fun not knowing because I kind of feel terrified to be in the blurry shadows of indefinite perception. Wow, I sounded sort of cool there. Maybe I should stop so I can continue letting life render. Maybe.

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