Saturday, December 20, 2008


So I'm back in my old cubicle at Praise Fellowship church in Sheboygan, WI. More snow has piled up from the last blizzard last night and it's going to be a white Christmas. I got a drama ready for tonight at church. Yesterday I came in making styrofoam flats for the set that are now clouds on stage. It looks good, and now I'm working on a video series which I'm going to shoot in basement for some kids conference. that should be fun.

It's really good to be back in town and see familiar faces which I have not familiarized myself with in a long time. for instance, just the other night at the hookah bar i saw a friend (but not at first) because his orange beard hid his identiy very very well and when i finally recognized him, after an awkward moment of hesitation, I ran over and gave him a haven't-seen-you-in two-years hug. Pristine!

It's good to see the Ottens and be back in their house again, and last night I saw a bunch of buddies from high school. It's just good to be back. I even have had the opportunity to eat dinner with my dad and talk for a few hours. Many good things were said.

Did i mention it snowed....cuz it did. A LOT! I love snow regardless of how many people get seriously injured on the road--who cares about them! Let it snow! Good stuff...good stuff

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