Thursday, June 19, 2008

Screwed Up Sleep Cycles can lead to Beautiful Experiences

Wow a title that gets right down to the point, that's what I love. Because as we all know, I always do that...

I've been editing video for hours with no results which kind of sucks. Why in the middle of the night? Because my nap at 3pm accidentally turned into a deep 7 hour sleep that now makes me awake and accidentally rejuvenated, oops. So my computer's slowly rendering, I went home to eat corn out of a can and another yum yum. Then i realized that since it's 4:30am the sun would soon be peaking it's self over the sea-scape of lake Michigan just a block down my street.

I thought I'm gonna go experience something not everyone says they get a chance to see everyday or ever. The sunrise! I felt so alive and ready. I scooted my car closer and then ran towards the lake, took the hidden stairs down to the beach and stood at the calm blue waves gently soaking the shore. I love my God! Being alone with him like that is such a cool thing. I'm seeing little streaks of red at this point coming up. The sky's blue is filling in with lighter hues now and I'm so drawn in at this point.

I asked God to heal some people and change other people's lives like he's done mine. It just seems like there's this uncanny presence of people in my life who are in need of God and I'm standing in front of this sea scape telling God that I'm willing to do whatever he wants. (Now that's a freeing feeling). As I was doing this, i picked up my bible and it opened right to Psalm 24 and it said...

"The earth is the Lord's and everything in it,
The world and its people belong to him.
For he laid the earth's foundation on the seas,
and built it on the ocean's depths.
Who may climb the mountain of the Lord?
Who may stand in his holy place?"

I was so glad to have a screwed up sleep cycle and a wonderful daddy in heaven who was like speaking to my heart saying "Zach! Zach! Come over here, I want to show you things."

1 comment:

John Habibi said...

Chills bro.
Sounds awesome.