Sunday, April 27, 2008

spring flingin' it

I got to go back to EU! (for just a day and a half) But still... it was unforgettable. i went with Joanna as Peter Pan for spring fling and it all worked out great. i went and didn't tell any one else that i was coming so as to cause a great uproar and riot when i was to break into Jeremy and Luke's room that night at 2:40 am. i was really fortunate to have my friend Jim come along to help me drive down or else i'd be in some ditch somewhere in Illinois and that'd be a little bit crappacious...

It was fun just seeing familiar faces and taking a bazillion pictures of our costumes and stuff. i decided to once again do something beyond what i have the skills or time to do and create my own costume which turned out good but WOW what a learning curve. i guess kicking it off in 7th grade home ec. couldn't have been more helpful...i was like grandma up there in the church balcony tech room sewing away. (it was a gay 'ol sight). I purchased some green tights and off I went. (that also was hard to do, calling up many different stores asking for women's lingerie departments for green tights! yeah....



It was an unbelievable time. No one knew i was coming but there is nothing like almost getting punched in the face by a guy named Luke because there we were breaking into their quiet room in the middle of the night. i guess I had it coming but WOW what a rush. i am grateful for the friends that i have. they are people in my life that are there for a purpose and a reason. God doesn't put things out of place because that would be sloppy. he uses friendship (i think) to bring a better understanding of who he can be to us--if that makes any sense-- I'm just a work in progress and we'll see if i still am eligible for the nut house someday.. haha But yeah...

I decided to post up the reaction of my almost getting my lights punched out and the awesome weekend and drive down to Evangel and it was just great. Here it is:

Monday, April 14, 2008

the grateful tidings!

I am happy to be alive. And it's not all the time that I can say that or anything like that and include the word 'happy' so freely. But I am--there are so many things to be excited about that I can't say the word 'happy' enough... happy happy happy happy happy. Thirty years ago I would be saying 'gay gay gay gay gay gay gay gay' but no oops, that word has other connotations to it now so yeah.

I feel blessed to have a family to stay and live with, a job that provides what I need, people who actively help me out and make me feel like I'm ten times better than I really am (they're just that generous with their encouragement). And God opens more and more doors when I seek him. My relationship with Jesus means so much to me, it's like the most priceless thing I have.

A cool thing happened. A lady emailed me and said she knew my mom, and that my mom would be proud of me if she knew what I was doing. My mom has been with the Lord for over six years now and I've never gotten over that to this day. I am always wishing she were here so that I could really be blessed but God has had other plans (and I'm learning that those are far more beneficial). But something my mom did or said that impacted this lady and she mentioned those things to me and I was filled with a warmth that I can't describe.

I am so excited to go back to college and dive in but what's funny is that I'm already doing that right here and I didn't even know it'd be possible. In January I thought that from here on out through August would be a drag like no other but NO and NO AGAIN! it's been fantastic! I feel like I'm living a dream and I can't get enough of it. (And it's only been a couple months). I wonder what it'd be like to feel this way for a whole lifetime. To constantly be challenged and given new blessings and constant renewal of the mind and spirit--why haven't I lived this way before. "I'm keeping my eyes on the prize for which Christ has called me heavenward" And right now that prize is building enough income to pay off debts, meet goals, and get to college. but there has just been so much amazing side stuff God's doing besides just the meat and potatos right there. Never underestimate God! You just can't. He's always got something more than we're expecting up his sleeve and we just don't expect, I think we should start living the dream and prepare for craziness.....

Makes me want to make this noise: "Gehiheihsihihihiehiheiheihee!"

Friday, April 11, 2008


I dive into the deep,
into the sea inside of me.
To find another song,
to find a place where I belong. (deas vail)

Yeah, so this is my first little blog entry of my entire life! I really like that song by the way (up there). It’s called Shoreline by DEas Vail and it just has piercing meaning. But anyway, this is my 1st blog so I thought I’d entitle it, “ZaCH’S 1ST BLOG” because I just felt that special. Yes, that special. Amen.

Blogs seemed unimportant to me before because I saw them as a waste of space on the internet when I’d be googling for things of Utmost Importance. . . but then again, a blog is a like thumb print of where you’ve been and what you’ve become, kinda like a diary -- but, everyone can read it. Scratch that, I said “Diary” and I hate that word (sounds so girly)...JOURNAL! Yeah that’s it. Journaling!

Oh well, we shall see...